Meeting the Moment Opportunities for Comprehensive Healthy Housing & Health Equity During COVID-19 Webinar Healthy Neighborhoods
Opening Congregational Doors to Community Needs Partnering with congregations to improve community health Webinar Healthy Neighborhoods
Part 1: Minimum Floor Price Laws Webinar An emerging strategy to reduce tobacco-related socioeconomic inequities Webinar Tobacco Prevention
Part 2: Minimum Floor Price Laws Webinar An emerging strategy to reduce tobacco-related socioeconomic inequities Webinar Tobacco Prevention
Planning Episode 4: Planning for equitable investment through community engagement Webinar Healthy Neighborhoods Good Governance
Policymaking for Fair Labor Practices Episode 2: Equitable enforcement & worker rights to support healthy families Webinar Good Governance
Policymaking for Housing Justice Episode 1: Unpacking the equity challenges of housing code enforcement Webinar Healthy Neighborhoods