Success Stories

Read about law & policy solutions in action

What does it look like when law and policy changes improve community health? What communities across the country has ChangeLab Solutions worked with?

We’ve written success stories to showcase the real-world applications of our work. These stories span many of our areas of expertise, from equitable planning to affordable housing, from improving food systems to promoting children's health.

Enacting policy change can take months or years and often involves behind-the-scenes collaboration between multiple partners and stakeholders. We’ve partnered with advocates, experts, and communities from all over the United States.

Explore the success stories featured below, or access all of our published success stories.

Legal Epi Lessons Learned Success Story
Legal Epidemiology Lessons Learned
Explore opportunities and challenges identified by ChangeLab Solutions and OPHLS staff from our experiences across nearly a decade of legal epidemiology learning cohorts, as exemplified by participating teams from the 2023–2024 cohort.
Spring 2024 Cohort
Voices from CDC’s Public Health Law Fellowship
The Public Health Law Fellowship offers on-the-job training to prepare graduate students for careers in public health law or policy. We’re excited to share a Q&A with four fellows from the Spring 2024 cohort.
Rural Story Hero - Michel Curi - Flickr
Promoting Health Equity in Rural Communities
We work with rural communities on policy initiatives to address upstream drivers of health inequity. Learn how our partnerships are advancing community health, racial equity, and equitable economic development across rural America.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Housing Equity in Tulsa, OK
The Tulsa HSC team focuses on preserving and increasing affordable housing through pre-existing housing initiatives while complying with a state law that preempts affirmative action at the local level.
This map shows the 34 US states with certificate of need laws regulating the construction of new healthcare facilities.
Using Legal Epidemiology to Advance Health Equity
ChangeLab Solutions currently partners with CDC's Public Health Law Program (PHLP) to deliver legal epidemiology trainings to staff from health departments and organizations who participate in 10-month learning cohorts.
HSC Chesterfield County
Accessory Dwelling Units & Tax Incentives
The Chesterfield County HSC team is exploring policy strategies to increase affordable housing while working within the county’s land use and zoning restrictions, including tax incentives and development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
Farmington MI, Oakland County
Inclusionary Zoning & Housing for Residents with Disabilities
To address the ongoing housing affordability crunch, the Oakland County HSC team is focusing on creating new affordable housing stock for people with disabilities, supporting an affordable housing trust fund, and embracing voluntary inclusionary zoning.
Community members and team members working in a community garden in Camden, NJ
BUILDing Cross-Sector Partnerships for Health
ChangeLab Solutions supports cross-sector teams in 18 US communities through The BUILD Health Challenge®, providing legal and policy assistance on a wide range of strategies to advance health equity.
Exploring Equitable Planning
Mapping the Impacts of Past Planning Decisions
Redlining is an example of how past discriminatory planning decisions led to today's inequities. Equity-informed planning and policymaking can help undo the harmful legacy of redlining.
West Oakland Development
Proactive Rental Inspections for Healthy Homes
Proactive rental inspection (PRI) programs can help cities protect the health of families and individuals who live in rental housing.
Certification Success Story
Training Public Health Professionals
Practitioners relate how the courses for the Public Health Law Academy Certificate have helped them analyze public health policies and collaborate across disciplines.

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