“We developed a model for community engagement so we could be sure we understood what mattered most to residents.”
Success Story
Good Governance
Healthy Neighborhoods
Photo Courtesy of Redwood Heights School Garden OUSD
Lydia Daniller
Photographer Payton Chung, "City Market and permanent farmers market stalls with curbless / shared space streetscape, Roanoke VA," circa 2018, via https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Michel Curi via Flickr
Free Use Creative Commons via Atlas Law and Center for Public Health Research
Front: Sarah Alvi
Middle row: Jessica Irvin, Ally Power, Micaela (Aela) Camozzi, Eunice Mustapha, Okxana Cordova-Hoyos
Back row: Dane White, Abigail (Abby) Outterson, Hans Khoe, Patty Trinidad