Counter Tools Tobacco Point of Sale Preemption Playbook Learn how state preemption affects local tobacco prevention & control efforts Guide Tobacco Prevention
Tobacco Retailer Density Place-based strategies to advance health & equity Fact Sheet Tobacco Prevention
Tobacco Retailer Licensing Playbook 10 strategies for a comprehensive TRL policy Guide Infographic Tobacco Prevention
Tobacco Shops & Smokers' Lounges Exceptions to California's smokefree workplace act Fact Sheet Tobacco Prevention
Tobacco-free or Smokefree Events For organizations who want to limit tobacco use & exposure to secondhand smoke Model Legal Document Tobacco Prevention
Tracking Healthy Food Sales For retailers, advocates, and public health practitioners Infographic Food & Beverages
Under One Roof Model healthy housing policies for comprehensive plans Model Legal Document Healthy Neighborhoods
Understanding AB 795 Using citations & fines to enforce smokefree public campus policies Fact Sheet Tobacco Prevention