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Sugary Drink Warning Labels

A Legal Update

Legal Memo
Food & Beverages

As evidence increasingly links sugary drink consumption with poor health outcomes, many state and local governments are considering policy responses. Warning labels on sugary drink products are one policy response that continues to attract attention from public health advocates and lawmakers. Although San Francisco is the only jurisdiction to have enacted a warning label law (which is now being challenged in court), other cities and states have proposed similar laws.

Sugary Drink Warning Labels: A Legal Update describes important takeaways from three recent court cases that are relevant to sugary drink warning labels as an emerging policy strategy. While no court to date has ruled definitively on the legality of sugary drink warnings, these cases provide helpful guidance to policymakers and advocates who remain interested in sugary drink warning labels as a policy approach. Based on these cases, the legal update includes practical suggestions on warning language and design.

If you have questions about sugary drink warning labels, please contact ChangeLab Solutions. To learn about other tools and strategies for reducing sugary drink consumption, please see the Related Resources section below.