Environmentally Sound & Economically Viable Agriculture
Finding common ground
It’s a common saying that farmers are the original environmentalists: their livelihoods are so dependent on land and water that they can’t help but care about environmental issues.
The interdependence between farms and the environment also matters for public health.
Public health professionals have long been involved in setting and enforcing food safety, water quality, and air quality standards. In recent years, rising rates of diet-related diseases has made collaboration between the public health and agriculture communities even more pressing.
The growing involvement of public health in agriculture policymaking provides an opportunity to identify ways to increase access to nutritious food while protecting the environment and the farmer’s bottom line. Learn about strategies to advance public health and environmentally sound agriculture alike.
Finding Common Ground is a series of issue briefs commissioned by the Healthy Farms, Healthy People Coalition to bring agriculture and health stakeholders together, building a stronger base of support for a healthy, economically viable food and farming system in the United States. Each brief highlights a food and farming issue in which agriculture and health stakeholders have shared interest.