Complying with Anti-Lobbying Rules
A webinar about what federal grantees need to know
ChangeLab Solutions hosted a critical webinar on what you need to know about complying with new lobbying restrictions. This practical webinar is a must for federal grantees: policy and program directors, community organizers, and attorneys with state and local government agencies, and their nonprofit partners.
Suggested Readings
We recommend that you review a few documents beforehand, which are all linked from the bottom of this page:
- Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for how to stay in compliance
- A short analysis of the new federal restrictions by Feldesman Tucker
- Some hypothetical scenarios in public health practice to show what activities run the risk of being identified as prohibited lobbying
We also suggest additional reading for legal counsel and reference, which are all linked from the bottom of this page:
- Feldesman Tucker Long Analysis
- OMB Circular A-21
- OMB Circular A-87
- OMB Circular A-122
- IRS Rules related to lobbying
- Chapter 4, Section 11 of the GAO Report related to lobbying (note that the full report is provided below; see page 420)
Webinar Recording
Presentation Slides (please see first download below)
ChangeLab Solutions does not enter into attorney-client relationships and will not be available to provide legal technical assistance on the issues covered on the webinar or in the briefs. Ted Waters and Susannah Vance, attorneys in private practice at Feldesman Tucker, a law firm based in Washington, D.C., presented on this webinar and are available to work with agencies and organizations on a fee basis. They are experts in regulatory compliance and health law and represent many nonprofit and government clients.