The Health & Housing Starter Kit
For public health departments, housing authorities, and hospitals
How can we help decisionmakers and public agencies understand the connection between health and housing? What ways have hospitals used to get involved in housing?
How can local institutions partner with each other to improve community health outcomes? What performance indicators can we use to measure success? ChangeLab Solutions developed The Health & Housing Starter Kit to explore these questions.
The Health & Housing Starter Kit helps local institutions take their first steps toward creating bold and innovative health and housing initiatives. It includes case studies for 3 institutions that have been working on health and housing initiatives for over 10 years: the Bon Secours Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, the Denver Public Housing Authority in Colorado, and the Alameda County Public Health Department in California. The starter kit also includes Building Blocks, which explore a range of strategies based on the work of our case study sites. The Building Blocks provide guidance on how to form partnerships with communities and other institutions, developing indicators to understand and evaluate your efforts, and crafting messages to build support.
The Health & Housing Starter Kit includes
- Opening Story
- Health Effects of Safe, Stable, and Affordable Housing
Case Studies
- Alameda County
- Denver Housing Authority
- Bon Secours Hospital
Building Blocks
- Partnering with Communities
- Engaging Partner Organizations
- Using Indicators to Inform Health and Housing Initiatives
- Funding and Financing Strategies for Health and Housing
- Framing and Messaging for Health and Housing Initiatives
The Health & Housing Starter Kit focuses on what local institutions can do to improve health outcomes through housing strategies. Download some or all of the starter kit.